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Brake bleeding

4578+8007 (32767)Daves (Administrátor)
Created: 24.05.2007 - Updated: 24.05.2007
Stuff needed :
Hose, container, fluid

Tools needed :
Wrench size 8,9,10 depending on the brake bleeder valve

Possible problems :
Loosening the bleeder valve screws
Two persons needed to complete the job

Difficulty :
Little, a couple of hours

Story :

If you are adding fluid into new brakes or just bleeding brakes, it´s always best to put the car on blocks and take the wheels off. You will get a better access to the calipers.

Remove the cap and the sifter off the brake fluid reservoir and fill it up. Release the brake bleeder valve and let the fluid bleed out (best done with the hose into the container). Wait until all the bubbles come out or until the new fluid starts coming out. If you are tuning up four-pistons, loosen the internal ones first and then the external. On the four-piston there are two brake bleeders on the bottom pistons (one on each side) and one on the top pistons (one at the top of the external side). Don´t forget to keep checking, if there is fluid in the container. This is how you have to do it on all of them. Let the fluid and the air to come out. Unfortunately, it does not end here. Now we need a volunteer who would be pushing on the brake pedals. He needs to push on it a few times (that is five to ten quick pushes to about 3/4) and then to push pedal right down and hold it there. Now you need to loosen the bleeder valve and look for any bubbles coming out. Fluid will run out, tighten the valve and the volunteer can push on the pedals again. If there are no more bubbles or milk-like fluid, repeat the whole procedure 3 times, just to be sure, and move to the next valve. Do the internal ones first and then the external. If you have connectors on your calipers, then firstly do the internal then do the external and do the top external as the last. Do all the wheels this way and don`t forget to monitor the fluid level. After you have done all fours, you can do the round once more, but from my personal experience, there is never anymore air coming out.

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Opiš tento kód (čtyři číslice): do tohoto pole
 14.04.2016 14:54:55 

Odvzdusovanie po mojom: Otvorím odvzdusnovak, nasadim nan hadicku a druhy koniec dam do prazdnej flasky od brzdovky. Nalejem plnu nadrzku az po okraj a zacnem pumpovat (25x), potom dolejem do nadrzky a pumpujem dalej, a tak az kym neni pol az cela nadrzka. Potom pedal zafixujem stlaceny (kolik zaprem o pedal a o sedacku) a zatiahnem odvzdusnovak.

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 Odvzdusneni17.07.2007 10:17:27 

Jenom jeste malickost zacina odvzdusnovat od kola ktere je nejdal od hlavniho brzdovyho valce.

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