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Daves 100L cutout

4578+8007 (32767)Daves (Administrátor)
Created: 13.01.2005 - Updated: 14.01.2005
Stuff needed :

Tools needed :

Possible problems :
Lack of manual skills

Difficulty :
low, couple of hours

Story :

Can you remember those days when, as a young boy, you loved those little paper models which you could cut out from different magazines? Whilst I was at making 110R model, I could not neglect other Škoda models. So now we meet at the 100L.

The whole cutout is on two A4 size papers. I recommend to print it out, if possible, with a laser printer and on a harder type of paper. There is no ratio scale on the car, because every printer prints differently and more experienced and skilled modellers might want to print both pages on a one A4 paper and create a smaller model.

!Vystřihovánka Davesova Motive

If you are going to print it on a normal paper, I recommend sticking it on a harder one and allowing it to dry out.
Follow the numbers to start building. First cut out the roof and then gradually glue to it the sides and the front. Don´t forget to shape the sides out before you stick them on. Under windows the sides bend forward at about 45° and then they connect with the curve of the door. Exact directions are probably parked under your windows, so just go and have a good look.
Take the front end first and glue it together. Then shape out the car´s front and glue it on. Shaping out the front isn´t the easiest, so try to imitate the original shape as much as you can. When you manage to put it all together, add rims, and if you wish, accessories (wipers, mirrors, registration numbers, lights...) - you don´t have to glue them on, everything is there already, except for the wipers and the mirrors.
As the next thing, glue the wheel frame together. That´s where the wheels will go. The whole ensemble goes into the car´s body. After that, glue on the floor. The bumpers could be a bit tricky, but I believe that you will win.
Axles are made with sticks. I recommend cutting out long thin strips of paper and with the help of the glue, winding them onto the sticks until they reach the wheel´s diameter. It will save you the work with sticking on the wheel, because then you can just stick the cutting onto the wrapped wheel and whack on the disc and the axle cap from the side.

Download here (406.6kb)

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Opiš tento kód (čtyři číslice): do tohoto pole
 Re:SKODA 10014.09.2006 08:47:30 

Je potřeba při lepení díly tvarovat, ne jen bezhlavě lepit. Kulatá je až až...


4578+8007 (32767)Daves (Administrátor)
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 SKODA 10014.09.2006 00:05:40 

Tak jsem slepil SKODA 100 a je to peknje hnus. Takova hranata krabice. Doporucuji vytisknout na vetsi papir nez je A4. Cim vetsi tim lespi prace

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