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Skoda 130RS rally - close look in museum

4578+8007 (32767)Daves (Administrátor)
Created: 12.01.2006 - Updated: 17.11.2006
Následující fotografie ponechám bez odborných popisek :)

!Škoda 130RS rally - muzeum pod lupou
!Škoda 130RS rally - muzeum pod lupou
!Škoda 130RS rally - muzeum pod lupou
!Škoda 130RS rally - muzeum pod lupou

!Škoda 130RS rally - muzeum pod lupou
!Škoda 130RS rally - muzeum pod lupou

!Škoda 130RS rally - muzeum pod lupou
!Škoda 130RS rally - muzeum pod lupou

!Škoda 130RS rally - muzeum pod lupou
!Škoda 130RS rally - muzeum pod lupou
!Škoda 130RS rally - muzeum pod lupou
!Škoda 130RS rally - muzeum pod lupou

!Škoda 130RS rally - muzeum pod lupou
!Škoda 130RS rally - muzeum pod lupou
!Škoda 130RS rally - muzeum pod lupou
!Škoda 130RS rally - muzeum pod lupou

!Škoda 130RS rally - muzeum pod lupou
!Škoda 130RS rally - muzeum pod lupou
!Škoda 130RS rally - muzeum pod lupou
!Škoda 130RS rally - muzeum pod lupou

!Škoda 130RS rally - muzeum pod lupou
!Škoda 130RS rally - muzeum pod lupou
!Škoda 130RS rally - muzeum pod lupou

!Škoda 130RS rally - muzeum pod lupou
!Škoda 130RS rally - muzeum pod lupou
!Škoda 130RS rally - muzeum pod lupou

!Škoda 130RS rally - muzeum pod lupou
!Škoda 130RS rally - muzeum pod lupou
!Škoda 130RS rally - muzeum pod lupou
!Škoda 130RS rally - muzeum pod lupou

!Škoda 130RS rally - muzeum pod lupou

Pár pohledů pod kapoty

!Škoda 130RS rally - muzeum pod lupou
!Škoda 130RS rally - muzeum pod lupou
!Škoda 130RS rally - muzeum pod lupou
!Škoda 130RS rally - muzeum pod lupou

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 Re:skoda 130 rs head cylinder10.02.2011 21:24:24 

You can use only 130 engine or alternatively rebore 105 engine. Gasket will fit.

Some docs you will find here http://skoda.daves.cz/Tistena_dokumentace-english

4578+8007 (32767)Daves (Administrátor)
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 skoda 130 rs head cylinder10.02.2011 21:12:22 

can you tell me from wich engine derive's skoda 130 RS ,i want to know if i use a standard skoda 130 engine with some modification on lubrification and camshaft can i use the headcylinder from skoda 130 rs with a skoda 130 headcylinder gasket ????do they fit,i have seen that are some diference betwen the skoda 130 and skoda 130 rs headcylinder.

Unfortunately i'm from romania and i dont have the neccesary documentation....thanks for the help

29+2 (15)Kalashnikov (Registrovaný)
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 Re:skoda 130 rs head cylinder15.12.2009 17:33:06 

Yes, it is possible, but you must check compression ratio.

131+38 (169)vhml (Registrovaný)
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 skoda 130 rs head cylinder11.12.2009 15:26:31 

hello i'm from romania and i have a skoda 120 L from 1980 with a 1289 engine and i have a skoda 130 RS head cylinder and a skoda 130 LR camshaft and i want to know if it is posible to put the cylinder head of a skoda 130 RS and 130 LR camshaft on a standard 1289 engine with the original pistons?thank you

29+2 (15)Kalashnikov (Registrovaný)
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